
Sunday, September 25, 2011



Sometimes called a gift, and sometimes a curse. To be filled with knowledge is something necessary for us all in order to claim our place at the top of the food chain, even though our physical structure tends to be more flimsy than we like. Yet, to be filled with knowledge to know what will come is a curse as well, although it can help us to foresee the dangers that lies ahead, to know what to do and what not to do when the signs of warning appears. Why is it a curse? Well, some people seem to know that their time in this realm have come to an end- that it is now the time to continue their journey in the next even though the next realm is a complete mystery to them.

Those people might call this foresight a curse, for you know now that you will have to pass on, and nothing could be done to prevent it, and if the case was like what happened in Final Destination 3 (used as an example because it was shown on television not too long ago), well you are darn right to be terrified, as your death might not come as peaceful as you wish it be. In Final Destination 3, each of the death came in the form of a myriad of horrible ways to be snuffed out, and what is worst is that you know that it is going to end that way, regardless of any intervene by anyone. All that they could pray for is to go peacefully, best way is in the sleep, peacefully, calmly. Yet, it does not go that way. Now these are just the worst of the worst cases that predictions or foresight can get you find, most which does not occur on a basis anyway.

 Now, how does knowledge come to be associated with all the foresight and prediction stuffs? Well, with enough knowledge, you can probably pick up the necessary clues to narrow down the list of endless possibilities to just a few that are most likely to come true, but those that does not even understands how the world of possibility works will probably think of you as a psychic or a magician. Yes, things can easily turn out in a way that you would have least expected, since everything have a chance to be passed, just that the likelihood is very low, for this is the way of the world, anything that seems impossible might just become possible as soon as the words leave your mouth. Knowledge will be a curse if you are proven right often, and for the worst case scenarios that you have probably predicted because the worst cases or some of the worst cases have the most likelihood to occur, and you can almost do nothing about it, effectively becoming as helpless as a baby and yet having the hideous knowledge that the bad case is coming to pass. Despite all that have been said about knowledge being a curse, knowledge is something we simply cannot live without, and there  is really no exception in this case for don’t animals have to pass on the knowledge of what to eat and what not to eat to their young? Is there no need to teach of the treacherous dangers that lies in every part of the habitat they live in? Even beings that lies far beneath the top of the food chain finds the need to have knowledge, then being the ones that stands on the very top, isn’t it even more of a necessity for us to have knowledge, and even more so?

We, having the most knowledge as compared to the fellow Earthlings that shares this very planet with us, bear the brunt of the curse of knowledge. However, there is a few that thinks beyond what most people will do, and that is to decide on the action to take, now that they know there is just absolutely no way to prevent what that is coming to pass. Ah!! There!! That’s it!! This is the key to why humans have been at the top of the food chain for centuries, and getting better and better at staying at the very top!! You see, as with Newton’s Third Law, with every action comes an equal and opposite reaction. For being able to have enough knowledge to take the correct action after any unstoppable event had come to pass, or to even take preventive measures that last as long as the measures are taken, there comes the price- the price of knowing what will be coming up, be it preventable or unpreventable, and this is the brunt of the curse of knowledge.
Why am I suddenly talking about this matter? Actually, these questions and answers have been dwelling within the depths of my mind for months now, just that I have yet to find the words to put it all in, until now!! Not boasting or anything, but with what pitiful knowledge I have compared to those great thinkers that contributed to the Human Race in immaculate amounts, I do have enough knowledge to clearly feel the might of the brunt of knowledge, and have suffered from it. How? You might ask. How did I came to feel the brunt of knowledge when one such as young as I, who barely have seen the best and worst of Life to be speaking anything much about it?? Do not worry, for your question will soon have its answer if you would just be patient. Ever experience a time when you wish that someone can have the solution to your problems? Well, I most definitely have, and that was when it got me thinking about this. For all the problems that I can no longer recall, that I wish so very much for a magic cure, a saint-like person to hold the solutions to my problems, at the very same time my cursed mind whispered those questions to me, it whispered the answers and solutions that I so very much desired for another person to tell me.

 Why is that a problem? Well, as you know, I AM HUMAN, ya, so naturally I have the need to be comforted and helped as well, even though I know, in my heart, what that must be done. I MIGHT be the source of courage, the pillar of support for some people, and regardless whether this is true or not, I do have the need too, to have someone to be my source of courage, my pillar of support!! I want to just stop thinking about the solutions that I can most likely find by myself, and just hear them come out from the mouth of another. I will want people to comfort me, to let me rely on and to show me the way around the barriers, the problems. To not be able to do that, well I feel the weight of this curse on my shoulders as well, for it does not takes a Gordon Knot to let one such as I to be whacked in the face with the brunt of knowledge. Knowledge is indispensable and vital to us all, but at the times that we feel like casting off this terrible weight, the people to help us forget about the weight of knowledge is vital as well. Through this, I hope more people can realize that the ones that seems so strong and so well guarded against any problems at all also needs to be cared for as well, and not to be abandoned!! This is really a stone off my back, to be able to get it all off my chest like, finally!! So I end my post here now, and hope that it is intriguing and of help to all of you out there!!

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