
Sunday, December 9, 2018

AAU28D: Appendix- Breathing Techniques

Breathing Technique:

Fitzsimmons, A (2014, October) Breathing picture.

Proper breathing techniques to protect our voice.
  •        Breathe through the nose. Our nose hair will filter out unwanted air particles and warm up the air that we take in because there is friction produced by air current flowing through our nose hair, which is good for us.
  •        Breathe using our diaphragm. We should not do clavicle breathing as the intake of air is too much.
  •       Breathing should be slow and relaxed to prevent hyperventilation.
  •        Breathing should be silent and peaceful.

As we inhale, the external Intercostal muscles contract and the internal Intercostal muscles relax. This causes the ribs to move upwards and outwards, thus increasing the chest cavity to allow the lungs to inflate. At the same time, the central tendon will contract, the diaphragm will move downwards, and the lungs will be able to expand downwards as it inflates.
When the lungs inflate, the air will be sucked in through the nose where it is filtered and warmed by our nose hair. The air will then travel down the windpipe to reach the alveoli through the bronchial tubes where oxygen in the air will be absorbed by the red blood cells flowing through the alveolar capillaries. The red blood cells will discharge carbon dioxide to the alveoli.
As we exhale, the external Intercostal muscles relax and the internal Intercostal muscles contract. This causes the ribs to move downwards and inwards, reducing the chest cavity and helping the lungs to deflate. At the same time, the central tendon will relax, and the diaphragm move upwards again.
When the lungs deflate, the waste products and carbon dioxide that accumulated in the alveoli will be released back into the air.

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