
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Green Lantern: The Blackest Night!!! Intro of the Life Entity!!!

The Life Entity, also known as The Entity and as the White Entity, was a living sentient entity that was formed at the beginning of the universe and is the embodiment of life. It is not known whether the Entity was brought into the universe either by accident or by design with such a question not even being known to the likes of Krona. This Entity's existence came on the planet Earth which became the source of all life. After arriving on the barren world, it sealed itself beneath the magma of the world in order to hide where its entry into the universe began to affect the cosmos around it. The beings existence bestowed life across space and gave birth to living being itself. This meant that it retained a link to all life and any harm to it would fall upon the living. Through its influence, it led to the development of the Emotional Spectrum as well as numerous organisms. Of these first lifeforms, the Entity's power touched them and transformed them into different Embodiments of the Emotional Spectrum. This saw the birth of the Ion Entity from Willpower, the Parallax Entity from Fear, the Predator Entity from Love, the Ophidian Entity from Avarice, the Butcher Entity from Rage, the Adara Entity from Hope and the Proselyte Entity from Compassion.

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