
Tuesday, June 28, 2011


As you would have known, making a rhyme, or even a couple of them, requires inspiration. At this weird and strange hour, as I revised for my Bio-mechanics common test set for tomorrow, inspiration struck! I will have you to know, I have received some small form of rewards for them before, namely in the form of Popular vouchers, S$20 and S$10! And so, here it goes:

Go __, Go __, Go__, Go!!
Common test, Common test, blow blow BLOW!
We'll blow it all away,
Common test, Common test, you're so suay!!

By the way, I left the blank after the "Go __" for you to add in a name! That way, you would be able to use this rhyme as a cheer for any friend going through any common test! However, there is but one condition to use this rhyme/cheer, that is, that any name used have to be of one syllabus and one syllabus only, or you could shorten your friend's name to one syllabus! Examples of the names that can be used are like my name, Paul, or Mich, for my best friend Michelle, or Jo, for my other best friend, Joel!! I hope you could have fun with this!!

Be it good, be it bad,
This is all i really had!!
(So bad!)
Because it needs inspiration,
So my rhymes don't come that often!
(So sad!)
Oh, don't be mad, and don't be so sad!
'Cause Paul Tan's rhymes, well, IT WILL BE BACK!!!

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